Have you always wondered why your friends and colleagues seem to get that tap on the shoulder with amazing jobs offers, with perks and career progression?
You work hard, but sometimes, you feel a bit un-noticed. It’s time to get noticed! Here are 5 tips to help you on the way to being head hunted.
1. Your personal brand
We hear a lot about our own personal profile, and in a world of social media and communication apps, it is more important than ever to have a clean and clear online image that really reflects who you are and what you stand for. Your whole online presence is an ever changing resume, so keep it nice, and aim for continuity, integrity and interesting content.
2. Work beautifully
The very best recommendations will come from ex-colleagues, and managers, or even suppliers and customers. Remember the customer whose problem you solved? Remember when you didn’t yell at your supplier, but helped them resolve the issue? Remember when you created a new strategy and shared the credit with your team? If you work well with others, are highly regarded, and even if you work in a seriously difficult situation – the way you operate every day is your best advertisement.
3. Align yourself with influencers
Influencers are those people with a great profile online and excellent social connections. They know other ‘power’ people and often have senior roles. Most importantly, they are well respected in their space. They would be the type of people you would use as referees and they will naturally want to recommend you if they get the chance. Pay it forward, do a good deed, share a post of theirs – show them that you are engaged in their world.
4. Be visible & approachable
Get out there, go to industry events and start talking with people. Catch up for a coffee with contacts in industries that interest you. Make connections via Linkedin, start talking to recruiters, use your personal network as well. If the opportunity comes up, you can mention that you are open minded to new opportunities. Reciprocate too, if people ask you out for a coffee, take every opportunity, you never know where it will lead. Be generous with your time and support and don’t forget to switch your Linkedin profile to ‘open to opportunities’ to get the word out. (Need Linkedin profile advice?)
5. Keep your cool
When all the elements combine and you get that delicious mystery phone call with a job opportunity to explore, try not to get too excited and accept the role! A head hunter will make the first tenuous steps of communication after a swag of research. They already think you are a good option. You need to strongly consider whether the role is a genuine fit for you, in terms of wages, culture, industry and more. Most importantly, you need to understand that they are not ‘offering’ you the role, but just the chance to discuss and interview for it. Don’t be so flattered that you want to take the role straight away- this will actually send a red flag to the head hunter and could make you look a bit desperate.
By keeping these 5 points uppermost in your mind and being aware of the way you operate in your work and social life, you are well on the way to being head hunted. If you are working well and enjoying life, people will be drawn to you and exciting opportunities will start to drop into your lap!